Source code for flask_discord._http

import cachetools
import requests
import typing
import abc
import json

from . import configs
from . import exceptions
from . import DiscordOAuth2Scope

from flask import session, request
from import Mapping
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session

[docs]class DiscordOAuth2HttpClient(abc.ABC): """An OAuth2 http abstract base class providing some factory methods. This class is meant to be overridden by :py:class:`flask_discord.DiscordOAuth2Session` and should not be used directly. """ SESSION_KEYS = [ "DISCORD_USER_ID", "DISCORD_OAUTH2_STATE", "DISCORD_OAUTH2_TOKEN", ] def __init__( self, app=None, client_id=None, client_secret=None, redirect_uri=None, bot_token=None, users_cache=None, proxy=None, proxy_auth=None ): self.client_id = client_id self.__client_secret = client_secret self.redirect_uri = redirect_uri self.__bot_token = bot_token self.users_cache = users_cache self.proxy = proxy self.proxy_auth = proxy_auth if app is not None: self.init_app(app)
[docs] def init_app(self, app): """A method to lazily initialize the application. Use this when you're using flask factory pattern to create your instances of your flask application. Parameters ---------- app : Flask An instance of your `flask application <>`_. """ self.client_id = self.client_id or app.config["DISCORD_CLIENT_ID"] self.__client_secret = self.__client_secret or app.config["DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET"] self.redirect_uri = self.redirect_uri or app.config["DISCORD_REDIRECT_URI"] self.__bot_token = self.__bot_token or app.config.get("DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN", str()) self.users_cache = cachetools.LFUCache( app.config.get("DISCORD_USERS_CACHE_MAX_LIMIT", configs.DISCORD_USERS_CACHE_DEFAULT_MAX_LIMIT) ) if self.users_cache is None else self.users_cache if not issubclass(self.users_cache.__class__, Mapping): raise ValueError("Instance users_cache must be a mapping like object.") self.proxy = self.proxy or app.config.get("DISCORD_PROXY_SETTINGS") self.proxy_auth = self.proxy_auth or app.config.get("DISCORD_PROXY_AUTH_SETTINGS") app.discord = self
@property def user_id(self) -> typing.Union[int, None]: """A property which returns Discord user ID if it exists in flask :py:attr:`flask.session` object. Returns ------- int The Discord user ID of current user. None If the user ID doesn't exists in flask :py:attr:`flask.session`. """ return session.get("DISCORD_USER_ID") @staticmethod @abc.abstractmethod def save_authorization_token(token: dict): raise NotImplementedError() @staticmethod @abc.abstractmethod def get_authorization_token() -> dict: raise NotImplementedError() def _fetch_token(self, state): discord = self._make_session(state=state) return discord.fetch_token( configs.DISCORD_TOKEN_URL, client_secret=self.__client_secret, authorization_response=request.url ) def _get_auto_refresh_kwargs(self, token): if not token: return dict() return { "client_id": self.client_id, "client_secret": self.__client_secret, "grant_type": "refresh_token", "refresh_token": token["refresh_token"] } def _make_session(self, token: dict = None, state: str = None, scopes: list = None) -> OAuth2Session: """A low level method used for creating OAuth2 session. Parameters ---------- token : dict, optional The authorization token to use which was previously received from authorization code grant. state : str, optional The state to use for OAuth2 session. scopes : list, optional List of valid Discord OAuth2 Scopes from :py:class:`flask_discord.DiscordOAuth2Scope`. Returns ------- OAuth2Session An instance of OAuth2Session class. """ _token = self.get_authorization_token() scopes = {s if isinstance(s, DiscordOAuth2Scope) else DiscordOAuth2Scope(s) for s in scopes or list()} return OAuth2Session( client_id=self.client_id, token=token or _token, state=state, scope=scopes or None, redirect_uri=self.redirect_uri, auto_refresh_kwargs=self._get_auto_refresh_kwargs(token), auto_refresh_url=configs.DISCORD_TOKEN_URL, token_updater=self.save_authorization_token, )
[docs] def request(self, route: str, method="GET", data=None, oauth=True, **kwargs) -> typing.Union[dict, str]: """Sends HTTP request to provided route or discord endpoint. Note ---- It automatically prefixes the API Base URL so you will just have to pass routes or URL endpoints. Parameters ---------- route : str Route or endpoint URL to send HTTP request to. Example: ``/users/@me`` method : str, optional Specify the HTTP method to use to perform this request. data : dict, optional The optional payload the include with the request. oauth : bool A boolean determining if this should be Discord OAuth2 session request or any standard request. Returns ------- dict, str Dictionary containing received from sent HTTP GET request if content-type is ``application/json`` otherwise returns raw text content of the response. Raises ------ flask_discord.Unauthorized Raises :py:class:`flask_discord.Unauthorized` if current user is not authorized. flask_discord.RateLimited Raises an instance of :py:class:`flask_discord.RateLimited` if application is being rate limited by Discord. """ route = configs.DISCORD_API_BASE_URL + route if self.proxy is not None: kwargs["proxy"] = self.proxy if self.proxy_auth is not None: kwargs["proxy_auth"] = self.proxy_auth response = self._make_session().request( method, route, data, **kwargs ) if oauth else requests.request( method, route, data=data, **kwargs ) if response.status_code == 401: raise exceptions.Unauthorized() if response.status_code == 429: raise exceptions.RateLimited(response.json(), response.headers) try: response.raise_for_status() except requests.HTTPError: return response.text try: return response.json() except json.JSONDecodeError: return response.text
[docs] def bot_request(self, route: str, method="GET", **kwargs) -> typing.Union[dict, str]: """Make HTTP request to specified endpoint with bot token as authorization headers. Parameters ---------- route : str Route or endpoint URL to send HTTP request to. method : str, optional Specify the HTTP method to use to perform this request. Returns ------- dict, str Dictionary containing received from sent HTTP GET request if content-type is ``application/json`` otherwise returns raw text content of the response. Raises ------ flask_discord.Unauthorized Raises :py:class:`flask_discord.Unauthorized` if current user is not authorized. flask_discord.RateLimited Raises an instance of :py:class:`flask_discord.RateLimited` if application is being rate limited by Discord. """ headers = {"Authorization": f"Bot {self.__bot_token}"} return self.request(route, method=method, oauth=False, headers=headers, **kwargs)