Source code for flask_discord.client

import jwt
import typing
import discord

from . import configs, _http, models, utils, exceptions

from flask import request, session, redirect, current_app
from oauthlib.common import add_params_to_uri, generate_token

[docs]class DiscordOAuth2Session(_http.DiscordOAuth2HttpClient): """Main client class representing hypothetical OAuth2 session with discord. It uses Flask `session <>`_ local proxy object to save state, authorization token and keeps record of users sessions across different requests. This class inherits :py:class:`flask_discord._http.DiscordOAuth2HttpClient` class. Parameters ---------- app : Flask An instance of your `flask application <>`_. client_id : int, optional The client ID of discord application provided. Can be also set to flask config with key ``DISCORD_CLIENT_ID``. client_secret : str, optional The client secret of discord application provided. Can be also set to flask config with key ``DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET``. redirect_uri : str, optional The default URL to use to redirect user to after authorization. Can be also set to flask config with key ``DISCORD_REDIRECT_URI``. bot_token : str, optional The bot token of the application. This is required when you also need to access bot scope resources beyond the normal resources provided by the OAuth. Can be also set to flask config with key ``DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN``. users_cache : cachetools.LFUCache, optional Any dict like mapping to internally cache the authorized users. Preferably an instance of cachetools.LFUCache or cachetools.TTLCache. If not specified, default cachetools.LFUCache is used. Uses the default max limit for cache if ``DISCORD_USERS_CACHE_MAX_LIMIT`` isn't specified in app config. Attributes ---------- client_id : int The client ID of discord application provided. redirect_uri : str The default URL to use to redirect user to after authorization. users_cache : cachetools.LFUCache A dict like mapping to internally cache the authorized users. Preferably an instance of cachetools.LFUCache or cachetools.TTLCache. If not specified, default cachetools.LFUCache is used. Uses the default max limit for cache if ``DISCORD_USERS_CACHE_MAX_LIMIT`` isn't specified in app config. """ @staticmethod def __save_state(state): session["DISCORD_OAUTH2_STATE"] = state @staticmethod def __get_state(): return session.get("DISCORD_OAUTH2_STATE", str())
[docs] def create_session( self, scope: list = None, *, data: dict = None, prompt: bool = True, permissions: typing.Union[discord.Permissions, int] = 0, **params ): """Primary method used to create OAuth2 session and redirect users for authorization code grant. Parameters ---------- scope : list, optional An optional list of valid `Discord OAuth2 Scopes <>`_. data : dict, optional A mapping of your any custom data which you want to access after authorization grant. Use `:py:meth:flask_discord.DiscordOAuth2Session.callback` to retrieve this data in your callback view. prompt : bool, optional Determines if the OAuth2 grant should be explicitly prompted and re-approved. Defaults to True. Specify False for implicit grant which will skip the authorization screen and redirect to redirect URI. permissions: typing.Union[discord.Permissions, int], optional An optional parameter determining guild permissions of the bot while adding it to a guild using discord OAuth2 with `bot` scope. It is same as generating so called *bot invite link* which redirects to your callback endpoint after bot authorization flow. Defaults to 0 or no permissions. params : kwargs, optional Additional query parameters to append to authorization URL for customized OAuth flow. Returns ------- redirect Flask redirect to discord authorization servers to complete authorization code grant process. """ scope = scope or request.args.get("scope", str()).split() or configs.DISCORD_OAUTH_DEFAULT_SCOPES if not prompt and set(scope) & set(configs.DISCORD_PASSTHROUGH_SCOPES): raise ValueError("You should use explicit OAuth grant for passthrough scopes like bot.") data = data or dict() data["__state_secret_"] = generate_token() state = jwt.encode(data, current_app.config["SECRET_KEY"], algorithm="HS256") discord_session = self._make_session(scope=scope, state=state) authorization_url, state = discord_session.authorization_url(configs.DISCORD_AUTHORIZATION_BASE_URL) self.__save_state(state) params = params or dict() params["prompt"] = "consent" if prompt else "none" if "bot" in scope: if not isinstance(permissions, (discord.Permissions, int)): raise ValueError(f"Passed permissions must be an int or discord.Permissions, not {type(permissions)}.") if isinstance(permissions, discord.Permissions): permissions = permissions.value params["permissions"] = permissions try: params["disable_guild_select"] = utils.json_bool(params["disable_guild_select"]) except KeyError: pass authorization_url = add_params_to_uri(authorization_url, params) return redirect(authorization_url)
[docs] @staticmethod def save_authorization_token(token: dict): """A staticmethod which saves a dict containing Discord OAuth2 token and other secrets to the user's cookies. Meaning by default, it uses client side session handling. Override this method if you want to handle the user's session server side. If this method is overridden then, you must also override :py:meth:`flask_discord.DiscordOAuth2Session.get_authorization_token`. """ session["DISCORD_OAUTH2_TOKEN"] = token
[docs] @staticmethod def get_authorization_token() -> dict: """A static method which returns a dict containing Discord OAuth2 token and other secrets which was saved previously by `:py:meth:`flask_discord.DiscordOAuth2Session.save_authorization_token` from user's cookies. You must override this method if you are implementing server side session handling. """ return session.get("DISCORD_OAUTH2_TOKEN")
[docs] def callback(self): """A method which should be always called after completing authorization code grant process usually in callback view. It fetches the authorization token and saves it flask `session <>`_ object. """ error = request.values.get("error") if error: if error == "access_denied": raise exceptions.AccessDenied() raise exceptions.HttpException(error) state = self.__get_state() token = self._fetch_token(state) self.save_authorization_token(token) return jwt.decode(state, current_app.config["SECRET_KEY"], algorithms="HS256")
[docs] def revoke(self): """This method clears current discord token, state and all session data from flask `session <>`_. Which means user will have to go through discord authorization token grant flow again. Also tries to remove the user from internal cache if they exist. """ self.users_cache.pop(self.user_id, None) for session_key in self.SESSION_KEYS: try: session.pop(session_key) except KeyError: pass
@property def authorized(self): """A boolean indicating whether current session has authorization token or not.""" return self._make_session().authorized
[docs] @staticmethod def fetch_user() -> models.User: """This method returns user object from the internal cache if it exists otherwise makes an API call to do so. Returns ------- flask_discord.models.User """ return models.User.get_from_cache() or models.User.fetch_from_api()
[docs] @staticmethod def fetch_connections() -> list: """This method returns list of user connection objects from internal cache if it exists otherwise makes an API call to do so. Returns ------- list List of :py:class:`flask_discord.models.UserConnection` objects. """ user = models.User.get_from_cache() try: if user.connections is not None: return user.connections except AttributeError: pass return models.UserConnection.fetch_from_api()
[docs] @staticmethod def fetch_guilds() -> list: """This method returns list of guild objects from internal cache if it exists otherwise makes an API call to do so. Returns ------- list List of :py:class:`flask_discord.models.Guild` objects. """ user = models.User.get_from_cache() try: if user.guilds is not None: return user.guilds except AttributeError: pass return models.Guild.fetch_from_api()