Source code for flask_discord.models.guild

from .base import DiscordModelsBase
from flask import current_app

import discord
from .. import configs

[docs]class Guild(DiscordModelsBase): """Class representing discord Guild the user is part of. Operations ---------- x == y Checks if two guild's are the same. x != y Checks if two guild's are not the same. str(x) Returns the guild's name. Attributes ---------- id : int Discord ID of the guild. name : str Name of the guild. icon_hash : str Hash of guild's icon. is_owner : bool Boolean determining if current user is owner of the guild or not. permissions : discord.Permissions An instance of discord.Permissions representing permissions of current user in the guild. """ MANY = True ROUTE = "/users/@me/guilds" def __init__(self, payload): super().__init__(payload) = int(self._payload["id"]) = self._payload["name"] self.icon_hash = self._payload.get("icon") self.is_owner = self._payload.get("owner") self.permissions = self.__get_permissions(self._payload.get("permissions")) @staticmethod def __get_permissions(permissions_value): if permissions_value is None: return return discord.Permissions(int(permissions_value)) def __str__(self): return def __eq__(self, guild): return isinstance(guild, Guild) and == def __ne__(self, guild): return not self.__eq__(guild) @property def icon_url(self): """A property returning direct URL to the guild's icon. Returns None if guild has no icon set.""" if not self.icon_hash: return return configs.DISCORD_GUILD_ICON_BASE_URL.format(, icon_hash=self.icon_hash)
[docs] @classmethod def fetch_from_api(cls, cache=True): """A class method which returns an instance or list of instances of this model by implicitly making an API call to Discord. If an instance of :py:class:`flask_discord.User` exists in the users internal cache who belongs to these guilds then, the cached property :py:attr:`flask_discord.User.guilds` is updated. Parameters ---------- cache : bool Determines if the :py:attr:`flask_discord.User.guilds` cache should be updated with the new guilds. Returns ------- list[flask_discord.Guild, ...] List of instances of :py:class:`flask_discord.Guild` to which this user belongs. """ guilds = super().fetch_from_api() if cache: user = current_app.discord.users_cache.get(current_app.discord.user_id) try: user.guilds = { guild for guild in guilds} except AttributeError: pass return guilds