
Flask-Discord is an extension for Flask - Python web framework which makes easy implementation of Discord OAuth2 API. After creating a discord client object, one can easily request authorization and hence any of the resources provided by the discord OAuth2 API under the available scope permissions.


  • Flask

    This is an Flask extension.

  • requests_oauthlib

    It also requires requests_oauthlib to make OAuth2 sessions with discord.

  • cachetools

    Flask Discord supports caching discord objects to boost the performance when page loads.


    Makes use of for re-using many Discord models.


You can install Flask-Discord directly from PyPI using PIP and following command in shell or command prompt:

python3 -m pip install -U Flask-Discord

You can also install the latest development version (maybe unstable/broken) by using following command:

python3 -m pip install -U git+

Basic Usage

Here is a simple example to get users authorization token using OAuth2 and use it in exchange for fetching user’s details and display them on web page.

import os

from flask import Flask, redirect, url_for
from flask_discord import DiscordOAuth2Session, requires_authorization, Unauthorized

app = Flask(__name__)

app.secret_key = b"random bytes representing flask secret key"
# OAuth2 must make use of HTTPS in production environment.
os.environ["OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT"] = "true"      # !! Only in development environment.

app.config["DISCORD_CLIENT_ID"] = 490732332240863233    # Discord client ID.
app.config["DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET"] = ""                # Discord client secret.
app.config["DISCORD_REDIRECT_URI"] = ""                 # URL to your callback endpoint.
app.config["DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN"] = ""                    # Required to access BOT resources.

discord = DiscordOAuth2Session(app)

def welcome_user(user):
    dm_channel = discord.bot_request("/users/@me/channels", "POST", json={"recipient_id":})
    return discord.bot_request(
        f"/channels/{dm_channel['id']}/messages", "POST", json={"content": "Thanks for authorizing the app!"}

def login():
    return discord.create_session()

def callback():
    user = discord.fetch_user()
    return redirect(url_for(".me"))

def redirect_unauthorized(e):
    return redirect(url_for("login"))

def me():
    user = discord.fetch_user()
    return f"""
            <img src='{user.avatar_url}' />

if __name__ == "__main__":

Lazy initialization with flask factory pattern

from flask_discord import DiscordOAuth2Session

discord = DiscordOAuth2Session()

def get_app():
    app = Flask(__name__)

    app.secret_key = b"random bytes representing flask secret key"
    # OAuth2 must make use of HTTPS in production environment.
    os.environ["OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT"] = "true"      # !! Only in development environment.
    app.config["DISCORD_CLIENT_ID"] = 490732332240863233    # Discord client ID.
    app.config["DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET"] = ""                # Discord client secret.
    app.config["DISCORD_REDIRECT_URI"] = ""                 # URL to your callback endpoint.
    app.config["DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN"] = ""                    # Required to access BOT resources.


    return app